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Healing Crystals

Healing Crystals

Embrace Confidence, Experience Comfort – 20% Off Today! 🌟

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Crystals for Menstrual Meditation:

For Calming and Relaxation:

  • Amethyst: Promotes emotional balance, reduces stress, and eases anxiety.
  • Blue Aventurine: Soothes emotional fluctuations and promotes inner peace.
  • Rose Quartz: Fosters self-love, acceptance, and emotional healing.
  • Moonstone: Balances hormones, promotes emotional stability, and supports intuition.
  • White Howlite: Calms the mind, reduces anger and promotes restful sleep.
  • Lepidolite: Promotes emotional stability, reduces stress, and calms anxiety.

For Balancing and Hormonal Support:

  • Carnelian: Boosts energy, promotes motivation, and balances hormones.
  • Red Jasper: Grounds energy, enhances self-confidence, and supports healthy periods.
  • Unakite: Balances hormones, reduces cramps and discomfort, and promotes emotional well-being.
  • Moonstone: Balances hormones, promotes emotional stability, and supports intuition.
  • Clear Quartz: Amplifies the properties of other crystals and promotes overall healing.

For Pain Relief and Cramping:

  • Amethyst: Reduces stress and anxiety, which can contribute to cramps.
  • Blue Lace Agate: Soothes emotional pain, reduces anxiety, and promotes relaxation.
  • Chrysoprase: Promotes emotional balance, reduces stress, and eases discomfort.
  • Hematite: Grounds energy, reduces anxiety, and promotes circulation.
  • Red Jasper: Grounds energy, enhances self-confidence, and supports healthy periods.

Embrace the Flow: Healing Crystals for a Balanced and Empowered Period

Let's talk periods. Not with hushed tones and discomfort, but with an embrace of their natural rhythm and an exploration of tools for self-care and well-being.

Healing crystals, with their vibrant colors and unique energies, have been used for centuries to support various aspects of health and harmony. During menstruation, they can be powerful allies, offering comfort, balance, and even pain relief.


  • Calming anxiety and emotional fluctuations with the soothing embrace of amethyst or moonstone.
  • Easing cramps and discomfort with the grounding energy of red jasper or hematite.
  • Balancing hormones and promoting emotional well-being with the gentle power of carnelian or unakite.
  • Connecting with your inner strength and intuition through the guidance of rose quartz or lapis lazuli.

Menstrual meditation with crystals is a gentle, personalized practice that empowers you to:

  • Honor your body's natural rhythms.
  • Embrace self-care and inner peace.
  • Find comfort and relief from discomfort.
  • Connect with your feminine energy.

Ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowered self-care? Explore the world of healing crystals and find the ones that resonate with your unique needs during your menstrual cycle.

Remember, crystals are complementary tools, not a replacement for medical advice. If you're experiencing severe pain or discomfort, always consult a healthcare professional.

Let's rewrite the narrative around periods. Let's embrace them as a time of strength, self-awareness, and empowered well-being.

Please note: While some people find crystals helpful for menstrual support, it's important to remember that they are not a substitute for medical advice. If you are experiencing severe menstrual pain or discomfort, please consult a healthcare professional.

Aprox. 1 x 3cm


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We love our Healing Crystals and we're confident you will too! In case things don't go as planned, our return and refund policy is designed to make things as easy as possible for you. Click here to learn more about how we can help.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 36 reviews
Rosina Lesch

Exactamente lo que pedí & tan bonito :).

Dale Ruecker

Como se describe. Muy satisfecho con el producto

Seth Schimmel

¡Muy hermoso!

Antonia Nolan

¡Muy hermoso!

Roxane Cummings

¡Muy hermoso!

Buy Now & Say Goodbye to Menstrual Discomfort

Healing Crystals

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Healing Crystals Pendant amethist
€11,63/ea €0,00
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€11,63/ea €0,00
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€11,63/ea €0,00
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Sold out
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
€11,63/ea €0,00
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Picture Japser
Picture Japser
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Africa Blood Stone
Africa Blood Stone
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Green Jasper
Green Jasper
€11,63/ea €0,00
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Kambaba Jasper
Kambaba Jasper
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Pink Aventurine
Pink Aventurine
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Dalmatian Jasper
Dalmatian Jasper
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Blue Goldstone
Blue Goldstone
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Sold out
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Dragon Blood Stone
Dragon Blood Stone
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
White Jade
White Jade
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
White Crystal
White Crystal
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Black Labradorite
Black Labradorite
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Snowflake Stone
Snowflake Stone
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Strawberry Crystal
Strawberry Crystal
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Blue Spot Stone
Blue Spot Stone
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Picasso Jasper
Picasso Jasper
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
White Turquoise
White Turquoise
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Sakura Agate
Sakura Agate
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Cherry Quartz
Cherry Quartz
Sold out
€11,63/ea €0,00
Healing Crystals Pendant
Red Goldstone
Red Goldstone
€11,63/ea €0,00

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Author's Note

Nuestra misión es Aliviar el dolor menstrual.

Estamos aquí para ayudarte a sentirte mejor.